Có 4 kết quả:

政体 zhèng tǐ ㄓㄥˋ ㄊㄧˇ政體 zhèng tǐ ㄓㄥˋ ㄊㄧˇ正体 zhèng tǐ ㄓㄥˋ ㄊㄧˇ正體 zhèng tǐ ㄓㄥˋ ㄊㄧˇ


Từ điển Trung-Anh

(1) form of government
(2) system of government

Từ điển Trung-Anh

(1) form of government
(2) system of government

Từ điển Trung-Anh

(1) standard form (of a Chinese character)
(2) plain font style (as opposed to bold or italic)
(3) printed style (as opposed to cursive)
(4) (Tw) traditional (i.e. unsimplified) characters

Từ điển Trung-Anh

(1) standard form (of a Chinese character)
(2) plain font style (as opposed to bold or italic)
(3) printed style (as opposed to cursive)
(4) (Tw) traditional (i.e. unsimplified) characters